Switched On
We support all sportspeople to fulfil their potential in and out of their sport through our support service, Switched On.

Evolve to Thrive Programme
Click here to learn more and sign up to our new programme that empowers athlete journeys through their transition, and beyond.
Evolve to Thrive ProgrammeFree, expert support from professionals
A tailored and bespoke service that will enable you to thrive in and out of your sport, now and in the future.

Switched On 1:1
Following an initial call with one of the Switch the Play team, you will work with a Support Associate who will be there to support and guide you on your personal and professional development journey.

Switched On Inspires
Our exclusive online hub of content, support and information which you can access on demand to support you in your development of a life outside of sport.

Career Pathways
This service will enable you to explore careers outside of your sport and help you build a plan for accessing internships, work experience and jobs through our expert Career Pathways partners.
You also get priority access to our Life Beyond Sport Bootcamps, events, masterclasses, coaching and mentoring and personal development grants.